POSTED 29th January 2018
Not surprisingly, most women are keen to return to their normal daily routine as quickly as possible after breast augmentation surgery. While it is necessary to rest and recuperate fully in the immediate aftermath of surgery, you should find the recovery process straight-forward as long as you are sensible and listen to your body.
You can find lots of tips and advice on recovering from breast enlargement surgery on our ‘after your surgery’ pages but you may also like to look through some of the questions we answer on RealSelf, a website which enables people to get expert opinion on all things related to cosmetic surgery.
In recent days we’ve had a number of interesting new questions arise on the forum, and we thought it would be helpful to share them here.
We tend to advise our patients to avoid sleeping on their front for the first four to six weeks after surgery, though it’s likely you’ll not find this a comfortable position in the immediate aftermath of surgery anyway. Generally speaking, you’ll find you can begin to lie on your stomach between six and 12 weeks after your operation – though your body will let you know when you’re ready!
It’s not a problem to fly within a day or two of surgery though we always advise our patients to stay local for at least a week until we are happy that the recovery is progressing satisfactorily. If you are planning a holiday and would like to swim etc then it’s a good idea to leave four to six weeks after surgery so that you are confident enough to fully enjoy your trip.
If you’re used to keeping fit then it’s understandable that you’ll want to be able to return to your normal exercise routine after breast surgery. If you opt for a modest breast enlargement, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t expect to be able to return to a fully exercise regime after surgery. The key is to time it right – it’s a good idea to refrain from any form of upper body exertion for the first month but then to gradually increase the level of activity over the course of a few weeks. By three months post-op you should be back to normal, but as usual, it’s important to listen to your body and do only what feels right – don’t rush!
If you’re considering breast enlargement surgery, then it’s natural you’ll have lots of questions. When you attend your pre-operative consultations, we’ll give you all the information you need so that you are fully prepared. To book, please contact us.